The history, name’s of Sumatera island

In the historical records that exist today, the island of Sumatra found Rau Royal Navy (Rao) in India named Sri Nuruddin Arya Passatan 10 years Saka / 88 AD specified in the Heritage at Bamboo Blade 50 years Saka / 128 M were signed Ariya Saka Sepadi, not Sri Nuruddin Force First coming of the Kingdom Rao in India.

Because there is no news about his first generation, second generation, led sent directly Kingdom Crown Rao in India YM Sri Mapuli god Atung Youngest year 101 Saka / 179 AD. With 7 fleet (vessels), they anchored in land precisely on the island of Sumatra Seguntang or Seguntang Hill now in Palembang, YM Sri Mapuli Atung Youngest ordered Arya Tabing, skipper fist penjalang to establish hostels and menera (weigh) all rivers in the area of the Seguntang Island.

To follow the mandate of the kingdom's father Rao in India, various villages through which the Aryan Tabing the commandment YM Sri Mapuli god Atung youngest, before Arya Tabing weigh all the water of the river, he asked YM, where the river should ditera (weighed), answered YM, all Tera (which means all existing river water weighed). From his words that the origin of the name of Sumatra to date recorded in letters of gold plates in 10 Saka / 88 AD as well as a letter of bamboo in the year 101 Saka / 179 AD which until now has not found the Indonesian nation, and likely once read / Rejang alphabet or Pallawa / hanacaraka Sumetera southern region. Having weighed Tabing Arya forces, he was met with river water / Ayik Besemah of plateau Bukitraja Mahendra Mahendra (Hill Raje Bendare) flows to the west and empties into the River Lematang Pagar Alam area (Lahat).

Indigenous History
of Lampung

Indigenous pepadun inner sai formed in the 17th century in 1648 AD by the four groups / Buay, namely Buay Unyai Abung River, Buay Unyi in Gunungsugih, Buay Uban in Batang Hari River and Buay Tiles (Subing) Terbanggi River, Labuan Maringgai.
Indigenous pepadun inner sai is still no influence of Hindu and Buddhist unknown Moon Princess fourth trial participants (four Buay) which is a group of delegates each region. Sangaji Mailahi will answer the customary form. Fourth of 4 Buay the brothers were very interested in seeing the Moon Princess adoptive sister Sangaji Malihi, thus meeting / hearing be postponed for a while due to unrest among them. To overcome the commotion, Sangaji Malihi decided Moon Princess made adoptive brother of the four.

After leaving the area of Goa Abung, they spread inland customs Lampung now. Buay Unyai on decades later only know pepadun custom hearing held in the inner sai Buay Indigenous Unyai and as King, King of Law, King Bases (Language) is Sangaji Malihi were later dubbed the community as Ratu Adil. Buay Month (Mega Pak Tulangbawang) at the beginning of the 17th century was married to Princess Month Minak Sangaji of Bugis nickname taken from his foster brother Sangaji Malihi (Ratu Adil).

Riyo masters are descendants Buay Month in Buay Aji Central Tulangbawang and Tomb Minak Sangaji and Moon Princess is behind Tulangbawang District of Central and Tomb Minak Sangaji and Princess Moon in Buay Aji Tulangbawang Menggala (now). Among the descendants of King Jungut / Recognize Pesagi Buay Month descent in the Great Wood, Mayang Flowers Abung offspring of Mokudum Mutor clan West Abung now.

So indigenous pepadun inner sai is a unity (two in one) are not separated from each other because the meaning / significance of the word or phrase is pepadun pepadun inner sai = deliberation / consensus, and inner sai = united / together.

So said inner sai pepadun is consensus to unite together.
And then the traditional history pepadun inner sai divided into 2 groups / sequence, namely Lampung sai = pepadun and aji sai sai = inner, which became known as a symbol of the Earth Ruwa Jurai (pepadun inner sai).

Facts / evidence authentic metal charter in 1652 Saka / 1115 H or 1703 AD that reads Arabic script bald and Pallawa / hanacaraka msh there until now. So indigenous pepadun inner sai it means consensus to unite / Indigenous together in formation.

In the VII century Chinese people in the country are already talking about a region of the South region (Namphang) where there is a kingdom called Tolang Pohwang, To meant people and Lang Pohwang is Lampung. There is strong evidence that Lampung is part of the kingdom of Srivijaya, based in Edinburgh and control of some parts of Southeast Asia including Lampung and prosper until the 11th century.

Sriwijaya came to Lampung because this area was once a source of gold and Lampung damar.Peninggalan which showed that under the influence of Srivijaya kingdom, among others, with the discovery of inscriptions Palas Pasemah and Stone Inscription rifle Tenggamus areas of the kingdom seriwijaya (VIII century).

Kingdoms Bones Onions and Scale Brak also been established in VII-VIII century. Kingdom Centre is estimated around Menggala Bone Onion / Garlic Bone River until Pagar Dewa. Islamic era marked the entry of Banten diLampung in the 16th century, especially during the reign of Sultan Hasanuddin (1522-1570). Since the past, Lampung is known as plant ladanya highly sought-after. Sultanate of Banten who are interested in Lampung pepper production mastered this area in the early 16th century and sekaligius introduce Islam.

In this era gave birth to the hero of the famous Lampung persistent challenging Netherlands. Radin named Diamond. The influence of Islam seen them and their Tambra Inscription (Buk Dalung) area Bojong District Jabung Now, contains a cooperation agreement between Banten and Lampung in against Dutch colonialism.
Control exercised over the Sultanate of Banten, Lampung pepper production has made the port of Banten as pepper harbor the greatest and most prosperous in the archipelago. Similarly pepper plants that also attract foreign immigrants from Europe as a trading company of the Netherlands Dutch East India Company.

The trading company in the late 17th century to build a processing plant in Menggala. But the efforts finally succeeded in mastering Lampung Dutch in the Dutch colonial 1856.Pemerintah for the first time introduced the transmigration program to residents on the island of Java, which is very dense to move and tried in Lampung. The transmigration program was quite well received and many residents of the island of Java origin who moved to the transmigration sites located in the eastern region of Lampung. The transmigration program and then increased again at the time of independence in the 1960s and 1970s.

A native of the island of Java have brought with them to Lampung culture devices such as gamelan and wayang. People of Bali then also came to Lampung to follow this transmigration program. The presence of migrants from other regions in Lampung has made this region as a region with diverse cultures (multi-cultural). Existing ethnic diversity became a tourist attraction especially in the various districts scattered potential of nature tourism, cultural tourism. The existence of art studios / culture as a preserver of art / cultural heritage of many developing.
