the history of counseling in indonesia

the history of counseling in indonesia

The activity of counseling in indonesia firstly aplicated in formal education. in the 1960 some schools created and built conseling program especialy for accademic guidance. in 1964 SMA gaya baru born the conseling program but this program wasn't success and stopped.  on the other side. FKIP (fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan) opened the counseling department. on 1970 PPSP (proyek perintis sekolah pembangunan) gave new spirit in the aplication of counseling because the staff had the important role in builder school system. basicly the counseling program had been aplicated seriously since the 1975. in that year it was born IPBI (ikatan petugas bimbingan indonesia) in malang city. IPBI gave the significant influence for school counseling. after the resructuritation of counseling management. the purpose of counseling program was moving into the profesional guidance and counseling. on this decade the the curiculum of counseling program improved fastly. then in 2001 IPBI changed into ABKIN (asosiasi bimbingan dan konseling indonesia).  
